Monday, August 07, 2006

Overcoming Addiction

“Where Else Can You Turn Now For Immediate Help With Gambling, Relationship, Smoking, Drugs, Internet and Other Addictions?”

Ever have trouble setting limits and keeping them?

Or maybe you know someone else who struggles with this?

How about any of these symptoms below?
Do any of them sound familiar?
Are any of them troubling you or someone close to you?


Uncontrolled cravings Thoughts, actions – nearly everything- - focused on an addiction to something; drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, just about anything even the Internet!

Nasal congestion (sniffing, nose bleeds, eye changes like redness, glassy look, wears sunglasses (and long sleeves) when not needed, etc. Behavioral changes (moodiness, mood swings with hyperactive, lethargy, violence, paranoia, secretive, confused thoughts and actions)

Denial of use, addiction, etc.

Memory loss, distorted time.

Stealing or excessive / unusual borrowing of funds

Unkempt appearance, truant / absenteeism from work, school, home.

Sudden changes in school work and grades, job performance, regular behavior, withdrawal from normal activities, friends, family, places

Withdrawal symptoms: nausea, sweating, chills, convulsions, anxiety, nervousness, depression, headaches, hallucinations, diarrhea, restlessness / sleep disturbances, shaking, sensitivity And more:

Hands Down, Right Place: Well, information to help you is right here. You clicked on the right site. Your search for Overcoming Addiction is already completed for you.

Our report, “Overcoming Addiction” is right here, ready to be downloaded in an instant.

So inhale and take a deep breath. And relax. Take five and check out how you can get help “Overcoming Addiction” today! It’s timely, effective, discreet.

Battling dependencies, heck even admitting to them, can be a real pain today.

For example,

- You just seem to have difficulty getting things accomplished each day. Why?

- You tell yourself to stop and set limits, like maybe checking email hourly or once a day, and no more gambling site visits – on weekends, anyway. But after one day, you fall back into your old habits. Why?

- You can’t remember exactly what you did, either before, during or after you set your new goals. Should you re-set them, just start over?

Well, read on.

We’ll help you get answers to these questions and many more.

In fact, right now, we’re inviting you to take charge of your own Overcoming Addiction plans and strategy, and learn more now about how to tailor a program that interacts with your daily activities and needs.

"You Can Do It! How To FINALLY Stop...Once and For All!"

Our Overcoming Addiction Guide will offer help to you even when exciting opportunities - - like those that seem to be offered by gambling, sex, web surfing, drugs and any other addictive behaviors and substances - - present themselves, enticing you to change your plans during the day. It offers you plenty of boot-power to help you “kick the habit” – once and for all.

And best of all, you will be able to get your helpful guide from us in the privacy of your own home or private computer area. Quickly and easily download our research and get help today to avoid further addiction set backs and issues to deal with. And learn what the Overcoming Addiction Guide is all about.

To begin, simply consider the following 3 statements. Are they True or False?

1. Approximately every eight seconds, a person dies due to a tobacco-related illness. True or False?
2. An estimated 28 percent to 30 percent of people in the U.S.A. have an addictive substance abuse disorder, a mental health disorder or both. True or False?
3. Alcohol abuse and dependence occurs four times as much among men over the age of 65. True or False?

(Answers: All are True.)

Learn a lot more by grabbing your copy of our latest research. It’s loaded with information in an easy-to-read format, available instantly after payment. You’ll read about successful tools and treatment alternatives that are used and recommended by professionals, experts in the healthcare industry.

Then tailor your own Overcoming Addiction program by only selecting those solutions that fit into your own unique lifestyle, based upon your own desires, obsession battles, schedule, overall health, strategy, plans and budget.

“What’s inside?” you might be wondering. Inside this guide, you will:

Find information about the basics of Addiction, in laymen’s term.

Learn about the How Addiction Works inside the body, in non-doctor-speak.

Uncover information about the long-term effects of addiction.

Learn about other factors in addiction: genetic, environmental, behavioral (& parental) influences.

Take a look at several of the Top Dependencies and targeted symptoms and help for each.

Learn about the three types of alcohol and drug users.

Check out the facts on the Impact of Gambling and see if you spot any of the signs.

Improve your own use of the computer. Overcome trouble spots and improvement your productivity online.

Tailor our 12-Step Program to suite your recovery needs.

Arm yourself with a selection of our other tools to aid in recovery.

Print out our handy resources; reading lists, toll-free help lines and more.

Save money and time by checking out our links, telephone hotlines, support groups and other resources before denying your addiction dilemma one minute more and wasting precious time, money, energy and health on it.

Print out our Healthy Living, Healthy Choices Tips to use, carry along in your gym bag and car, share with friends and family, insert in gift cards.

Visit our Rewards and Resources section for additional targeted short-term, long-term or supplemental help and information and step-by-step planning solutions.

And much, much more.

Thank you for your time and for reading,

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service and for visiting today

Overcoming Addiction (Click Here) Its Free.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

How To Stop Smoking. . .Once and For All!

The Anti-Smoking Guide

It's easy to quit smoking, I've done it hundreds of times!

You and millions of others have heard that comment before. There’s a good possibility you have even said it yourself. And, while it does cause a momentary chuckle, the truth is that deep down where your addiction lives, it is no laughing matter. In fact, it’s downright painful.
We can give you all the statistics:

  • Over 400,000 smoking related deaths in the US every year
  • 47 million adults in the United States smoke
  • 1.3 billion people around the world are smoking
  • Smoking population is expected to rise to 1.7 billion people in a few years time.
  • 1 out of 2 will die from a smoking-related disease.
  • And more yet to be published

The World Health Organization has estimated that by year 2020, tobacco will kill more people than any single disease in the world.
In spite of these statistics, smoking is on the rise. Why? It’s really very simple. The answer is nicotine. Nicotine is a very powerful drug that when inhaled via a cigarette, has a direct connection to the brain to release dopamine. Dopamine gives you a brief sense of euphoria.
Let's take a closer look at this problem. Smoking has an injurious effect on almost all body parts. We know it affects your lungs most adversely and even the most addicted smokers know the risk of cancer.
But, there are other effects that you might not be aware of.
Did you know that cigarette smoking affects you from your head to your toes. . .did you know that smoking adversely affects:

  • Hair
  • Brain
  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Skin
  • Teeth
  • Mouth and Throat
  • Hands
  • Esophagus
  • Respiration and Lungs
  • Cardiovascular System
  • Liver
  • Abdomen
  • Kidneys and bladder
  • Male reproductive system
  • Female reproductive system
  • Bones
  • Blood
  • Immune System
  • Legs and feet

Discover something surprising in that list? Many people do. How important to your health would it be to uncover some of the hidden effects of smoking?

When it comes to the subject of stop smoking, there is no one set answer for everyone. It would be simple if there were, wouldn’t it? Even though smoking is truly a world-wide pandemic, there are no short cuts to stopping it.

It takes guts and knowledge. Now you can get that knowledge. This isn’t some trite collection of “do’s and don’ts,” although you may find some of those inside.

You also won’t find this guide is just a “wolf in sheeps clothing” luring you into buying some expensive “stop smoking kit” that will cost you an arm and a leg.

What you will find inside is:
  • Why People Smoke
  • Why it is hard to quit
  • The high cost of smoking
  • 3 full chapter on the health risks
  • Why you should not smoke while pregnant
  • Why smoking leads to other drugs
  • Smoking and the opposite sex
  • 5 methods to break the habit
  • All about support groups
  • Intervention with a loved one
  • And much more

As we mentioned, there is no "pat" answer to this epidemic problem. The reasons for starting the habit are as wide and diversified as the people who smoke. It stands to reason, therefore, that the reasons to quit are equally diverse.

That is why there is no such thing as one size fits al! What works for one person may not for another. There are even methods that you probably have never heard of.
The information is clear, concise and presented in an understandable manner. You may be amazed to discover so many diverse treatment options.

If you are you a smoker who REALLY wants to quit you owe it to your friends and loved ones AND most importantly to YOURSELF to get a handle on your addiction.

If you are not a smoker, but someone close to you is, you owe to them to grab a copy today and help them down the path toward total wellness!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Holistic Healing But Didn't Know Who To Ask!

It was just another routine checkup. Nothing major except the doctor tells you that the stiffness in your joints is the onset of arthritis. He told you that it’s a “natural” part of aging and gave you a prescription for swelling and another one for pain.

No big deal, right? You stop by the pharmacy on your way home to have them both filled. When you get home, you set them on the kitchen counter along with the rest of the prescription bottles.

Hmmm, how many does that make now? Well, there’s your blood pressure medicine, you’ve got to have that one. Then there’s the “purple pill” for your digestion. You’ve got that water pill you’ve been taking for quite awhile now. Oh, and don’t forget the one for anxiety, you just can’t do without that one, right?

You’ve just topped off the list with two new prescriptions bringing the grand total to a half dozen little pills or capsules full of chemicals that you are flooding your body with every single day.

If this is you and you’re shaking your head in disbelief, wondering if there is a better way, here’s a heads up for you. There may just be a better way, and you can discover what it is right here!

There are many “labels” for it, but no matter what you call it natural medicine works. People are “re-discovering” it by the droves. What is interesting is that natural medicine has been around forever.

Documentation proves there are some treatments that have been around for over 5,000 years! You can imagine how humorous it sounds to holistic practitioners when a new patient tells him or her how excited they are to have found this “new” medicine.

Our “Holistic Healing Secrets” is a terrific primer for anyone who is considering any of the different treatments available under the general heading of “Holistic Healing.”

The fact is that there are numerous avenues you can explore. And, we endeavor to give you a brief look at each of them through the eyes of a bona fide holistic expert who practices many of these modalities on a daily basis.

Here’s a list of some of the topics we will review:

  • Acupuncture
  • Reiki
  • Aromatherapy
  • Ayurveda
  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Herbal Therapy
  • Imagery
  • Meditation
  • Acupressure
  • Homeopathy
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Reflexology

In candid conversation you will learn why the science of natural remedies has only recently become “fashionable” and why there are some folks who would prefer you know nothing about it.

Discover why you should never begin an herbal regimen on your own.

Find out why you should not eat garlic if you are taking Cumadin.

Learn why Dwight David Eisenhower, our 34th President of The United States, almost didn’t make it to West Point.

Get a heads up on how to potentially “vaccinate” yourself against seasonal allergies.

All this and much more is waiting for your enlightenment. If you can relate to the opening paragraphs above, then “Holistic Healing Secrets (Click Here)” is a “must have” in your arsenal of good health tools.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service and for visiting today

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Have You Got It?

Even Your Best Friend Won’t Tell You!

Only a mother loves you enough and has just the right tone to let you know that you have it. . .
Has this ever happened to you? You’re at a party and there’s this really hot girl across the room. You exchange a glance. You both smile.

You begin to wind your way through the crowd all the while maintaining eye contact. The attraction is definitely there, right?

You finally make it across the dance floor and approach her with a smile. Suddenly, there’s a shift in her body language. She tightens up, the smile disappears and before you can finish your introduction, she mumbles something and turns away.

Now, what in the heck happened in the ten seconds it took you to cross the room?

Only your mother will tell you. . .you have BAD BREATH!

There are other telltale warning signs as well.

  • Is your mouth frequently very dry?
  • Does milk or coffee leave a bad taste in your mouth?
  • Do you have post nasal drip?
  • Do people regularly offer you breath mints?
  • Is there a white coating on your tongue?
  • Is your saliva thick?
  • Do people frequently turn their heads or back away from you?

Did you know that most people who have bad breath aren’t even aware of it? Breathing into your own hand to see if you have bad breath is just a myth. . .it doesn’t work!

Having bad breath can make a serious dent in your social life, not to mention retarding your success on the job. We live in a social world, but all the social skills on earth can’t compete with bad breath.

“Getting Rid of Bad Breath” will give you all the first hand information you need to discover if you HAVE bad breath. Then, it provides you with the skills to get RID of it.

  • Discover what causes bad breath
  • Why mouthwash and breath mints can make it worse
  • When are “odd” breath smells dangerous to your health
  • What you should know about tongue piercing BEFORE it’s too late
  • How eating disorders affect bad breath
  • Getting to the “root” of the problem
  • What single item you can chew to cleanse your breath

Take control and get a handle on this problem once and for all. If you, a friend or a loved one have the problem, it is having a detrimental affect on your confidence and self-esteem.

Begin creating a new YOU!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Subject: What You Don’t Know Can Harm You!

It started like any other weekday. The only difference is this is the day you have to take that physical for the new insurance plan at the office.

Actually, that’s not such a bad idea. It’s a beautiful day and it will be nice to get out of the office and into the fresh air for awhile.

You make your way across town to the doctors office and it looks like your luck will hold, there’s only two other patients in the waiting room. So you grab a magazine and have a seat. Just as you finish catching up on the latest trends in new cars, the nurse calls your name.

You don the latest and greatest creation from “Armani” and try and hold the back together as you follow the nurse down the hall for your chest x-ray. Next is the lab where a pleasant young lady who looks nothing like “Vampira” sucks enough blood from you to satisfy Count Dracula!

You breeze through the rest. . .the dreaded little jar with the tape on top, standing on one foot and pointing at your nose and finally you’re guided back to the exam room where you started. You have a seat on the table and the crisp white paper crinkles as you shift to get comfortable.

Just as you are retrieving your magazine, the door opens and in walks the Doc. He’s pretty cool, for an older guy. He gave you your first shot as a kid. Doc flips through your chart, asks how the wife and kids are doing, and pulls out his stethoscope.

Deep breath, in and out, in and out. Next it’s the ears and mouth. Everything looks great says Doc. Finally he turns to the counter top and pulls out a surgical glove. “Uh, oh, can’t we just skip that part Doc,” you ask with a grin. Doc just chuckles and tells you to “assume the position.”

Suddenly, the room grows very quiet. Doc seems to be taking an awfully long time. Doc straighten, snaps off the glove and asks you to take a seat. By the time you get seated he is scribbling copious notes on your chart. He clears his throat and says, “Joe, we’ve got a bit of a problem here. Now we won’t know more until we run some tests, but I’ve got some concerns about your prostate.”

Stunned, you barely hear his voice rattling off a list of instructions. Finally, it hits you. “Wait a minute, Doc. There must be some mistake, I can’t have any prostate trouble, geesh, I’m only 38 years old!”

He stops writing and gives you his full attention. “Joe, your prostate is abnormally enlarged. We won’t know what that means until we’ve conducted further tests. Let’s get them taken care of and we’ll meet again to discuss treatment options. Oh, it might be a good idea to bring Kathy along for that visit.”

Dear Friend,

Joe is actually one of the lucky ones. Thanks to a chance physical he’s getting an early diagnosis. The earlier the better, so they say. Sadly, men die every day from prostate cancer because they just didn’t know there was a problem.

How would you answer these questions:
  • When was your last checkup?
  • Do you have any idea of the early warning signs?
  • Have you had trouble recently with urination?
  • Have bowel movements become painful?
  • Any problems with ejaculation?

The answers to these and many more are readily available in " The Mens Guide To Prostate Health.” One of the problems with prostate disease is that it’s very slow growing. The symptoms can be subtle and spread over a long period of time. Until suddenly just like Joe, it’s staring you in the face.

Discover why early diagnosis is so important.
  1. Learn how to detect the symptoms
  2. Explore the anatomy of the male organs and really understand how they are inter-related.
  3. Find out what treatment options are available

Don’t wait another minute. This is literally a matter of life and death. Get your copy now! Knowledge is power and forewarned is forearmed.

Is there really anything more to say? Oh, about our friend, Joe. He was lucky. Turns out his problem wasn’t cancer at all, but he did have Benign Prostate Hypertrophy, or BPH. Do you know what that is? You can find out. Just click the link below.

Your family will thank you.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Ways To Reduce and Burn Calories

The Last Diet Plan You’ll Ever Need”

The Mediterranean Diet, The Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet, Zone Diet, Cabbage Soup Diet, Negative Calorie Diet! Geesh, it’s enough to drive you straight to the grocery store for a pint of Ben and Jerry’s finest!

Have you tried some or all of those diets? Are you sick and tired of being pushed, shoved and pulled in 10 different directions when it comes to finding a diet that works?

Your Search Is Over!

Listen, every diet guru out there has a plan just for you and you’re guaranteed a slim down. They’re goona tell ya that they have “discovered” the miracle of the ages.

You’ll be guaranteed a slim down alright. . .your wallet will get much slimmer by the time you’ve bought their material, supplements, food and other so-called “dietary aids.”

I’m going to let you in on a secret. It’s the absolute magical solution to your weight loss program. Shhh, don’t tell anybody else, we wouldn’t want to let the secret out.

Here’s the scoop. . .it doesn’t matter which of the latest fad diets you try there’s only one way to lose weight. You gotta burn more calories than you eat. Duh! What’s so difficult to understand?

That’s just the point. It isn’t difficult to understand. Putting it to work, well that’s a different story.

You Need A Checkup From The Neck Up!

Before you start stepping on the scale 100 times a day, or defrosting your next frozen “gourmet weight loss” TV dinner you need to stop for a minute already.

If you tried all these diets and cleaned out your piggy bank over and over again and you feel like you’re losing the war, do you think that maybe you need to rethink your strategy?

I’m going to let you in on a secret. This is the golden key and ultimate Nirvana of the diet world. If your head isn’t in the right place a diet isn’t going to work. . .period.

Your diet needs to start in the six inches between your ears! I’m not talking about that old “you are what you eat,” although it does have a ring of truth to it.

You talked yourself into all those extra pounds, didn’t you? How would you like to talk yourself right out of them? Well, that’s what you’ll learn in “Ways To Reduce and Burn Calories.”

But, before you begin to put the tips to work, you’re going to learn why none of your other diet plans have produced the results that you desire so desperately.

Have you ever wondered why it is that you starve yourself, exercise to the point of exhaustion and the doggone scale never budges an inch?

Well, we’re going to tell you. It’s not your fault. No one has ever told you why you keep repeating the same self destructive behavior over and over again.

Once you understand why, you can begin to set the proper behavior in motion. When you do, we’ve got the tips for you. Great stuff like:

  • A great substitute for butter or margarine
  • How to remove the fat from cheese
  • What you can do with water to suppress your appetite
  • How to eat fast food and still lose weight
  • The truth about reduced fat claims
  • How to order when eating out
  • How to spice up and burn calories
  • Why a veggie sandwich may not be the best choice

What if I told you that you have talked yourself into and right out of losing all the weight you want? It’s the truth.

No one has done it to you. You’ve done it to yourself, but don’t feel guilty about it. If you had known better, you would have done better. And, now you can!

Ready, get set, GO! Get your Free copy of “Ways To Reduce and Burn Calories” today and lose your first few pounds tomorrow! Click Here

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service and for visiting today!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Herbal Remedies

What is so amazing about herbal remedies is their close association to our modern medicines. Most of our current “wonder drugs” have a botanical connection.

Sadly, many of those medicines contain much more than simple botanicals. Stuffed with chemicals, allergens and who knows what else, we are fast becoming a medicated society.

We’ve got pills to make us sleep, pills to wake us up, pills to make us eat and pills to curb the appetite. It’s absolutely crazy. Whatever ails you there’s a pill to take care of it.

The good news is, that you can learn to wean yourself from your medicine cabinet. For every ailment that you are currently taking pills to correct, there’s a natural remedy that can take it’s place.

If you are sick and tired of being over-medicated, you can take control and start a journey toward natural herbal remedies. After all, natural remedies served the human race very well before we became so smart!

At Simple Herbal Remedies you can learn:
  • How to recognize the plants.
  • Popular herbs and their uses.
  • How to treat a sore throat.
  • How to prepare a blood purifier.
  • What to take for arthritis.
  • How to stop flatulence.
  • A gentle remedy for diarrhea.
  • How to make your own toothpaste.
  • A way to remove bruises in 24 hours.
  • Another quick treatment for insect bites.
  • How to stop hot flashes.
  • An effective treatment for psoriasis
  • A natural remedy for sinusitis

All this and much more is at your fingertips. Simple Herbal Remedies is written just for you, the person who is sick and tired of being over-medicated.

You can find it all here for free at

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dating, Relationships and Sex.

Let’s face it. There’s an old saying about a dog being “man’s best friend.” So getting along with another human being is rated second, at best.

Or is it?

Let’s look a little closer. For example, you meet someone either online or off. It seems like “love at first sight.” So you dive in headfirst and take the plunge by going out on several dates. And yet:

- You knew from day one that this person smokes, but he or she will surely kick the habit for YOU, right?

- You both disagree 180-degrees on important issues; politics, religion, state of the economy, etc. But “love conquers all,” right?

- You apologized for being late on the first date, re-scheduling the second date, scheduling the reservation at the wrong time on the third date….but “love is blind,” right? The other person should have endless patience?

Well, read on.

In fact, right now, I'm inviting you to take charge of your Dating & Relationship plans and strategy, and learn more now about how to interact both online and off, developing positive, healthy relationships.

"Just say yes! You Can Do It!"

Our Healthy Dating & Relationship Tips Guide offers help to you so that you can overcome shyness, lack of knowledge, lack of experience – lack of a mended heart after your last mate bailed on you … encouraging you to reach out and try again. It offers you plenty of love-power to help you “jumpstart” your love life – with a new date or ongoing relationship.

And best of all, you will be able to get your helpful guide from us in the privacy of your own home or private computer area to enjoy at your leisure. And learn what our Healthy Dating & Relationship Tips Guide is all about.

For example, to begin with, consider the following 3 statements. Does each represent a Fact or Fiction?

1. All we need is love. Fact or Fiction?

2. It has to be “love at first sight” in order to work long-term. Fact or Fiction?

3. Practically anyone can learn the nuts and bolts of relationship building. Fact or Fiction?

(Answers: 1. Fiction 2. Fiction 3. Fact)

Learn much more about dating and relationships. Our guide is loaded with information in an easy-to-read format and its all free. You’ll read about Dating and Relationship Issues, Resources, Tips and related help used and recommended by professionals, experts in the world of healthcare today.

Then design your own Dating and Relationship improvement plan by only selecting those solutions that fit into your own unique lifestyle, based upon your own desires, available time, schedule, strategy, plans and budget.

But what’s inside..?” you might be wondering…

Inside this guide, you will:

  • Find information about the basics of “love” and relationships between people, in laymen’s term.

  • Learn the Basic Techniques of Relationship Building

  • Uncover information about Body Language and learn to read it!

  • Learn how to build bridges and handle conflict with others.

  • Take a look at how to be a little more cordial.

  • Learn about the ABCs of Healthy, Happy Relationships.

  • Learn about the ABCs of Unhealthy, Sad Relationships.

  • Improve your support system with our resources. Online and off combine help for 24/7.

  • Print out our Relationship Tips to keep handy and use as a checklist.

  • Arm yourself with our Online (and Classified Ad) Dating tips – carry a copy in your briefcase, handbag, locker, desk drawer. And be safer!

  • Improve your communications with our NETIQUETTE tips.

  • Save time, money, aggravation, hair pulling and nail biting by checking out top issues that effect long lasting love. Stop denying your relationship the keys it needs to handle priority issues one minute more, wasting precious time, money, energy and health on them.

  • Print out our Conflict Management steps to use during your next fight.

  • Follow our Money Management Guidelines and get on a healthier financial track with your mate today and save for tomorrow.

  • Save our blank Monthly Budget Sheet, then print out copies for a 12-month planner. Plan ahead!

  • Print out our Self-Help Guide and enjoy exercises to take by yourself and share with your mate fun for, to learn more and to even grow closer together.

  • And much, much more…

P.P.S. – Learn more about the Healthy Dating & Relationship Tips and satisfy your curiosity about dating & relationships – both online and off - once and for all.

P.P.P.S. – Gain freedom from worrying about how your relationships and dates “should” be. Gain self-confidence, self-assurance and your self-respect back – all at the same time.

Simply click here.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Real Men Don't Eat Quiche

Its an egg lovers dilemma, I love eggs but I really need a variety. I've eaten thousands of omelets and thousands of fried eggs.

The egg in my opinion is about an absolute perfect food, it goes with just about everything you can imagine.

You can make them scrambled, fried, hard-cooked, poached, baked, make omelets, souffles, custard sauce and meringues and the list goes on.

Nutrient Breakdown (from the American Egg Board at

Nutrient Content of a Large Egg

Nutrient (unit) Whole Egg - Egg White - Egg Yolk

Calories (kcal) 75 - 17 - 59

Protein (g) 6.25 - 3.52 - 2.78

Total lipid (g) 5.01 - 0 - 5.12

Total carbohydrate (g) 0.6 - 0.3 - 0 .3

Fatty acids (g) 4.33 - 0 - 4.33

Saturated fat (g) 1.55 - 0 - 1.55

Monounsaturated fat (g) 1.91 - 0 - 1.91

Polyunsaturated fat (g) 0.68 - 0 - 0.68

Cholesterol (mg) 213 - 0 - 213

Thiamin (mg) 0.031 - 0.002 - 0.028

Riboflavin (mg) 0.254 - 0.151 - 0.103

Niacin (mg) 0.036 - 0.031 - 0.005

Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.070 - 0.001 - 0.0069

Folate (mcg) 23.5 - 1.0 - 22.5

Vitamin B12 (mcg) 0.50 - 0.07 - 0.43

Vitamin A (IU) 317.5 - 0 - 317

Vitamin E (mg) 0.70 - 0 - 0.70

Vitamin D (IU) 24.5 - 0 - 24.5

Choline (mg) 215.1 - 0.42 - 214.6

Biotin (mcg) 9.98 - 2.34 - 7.58

Calcium, Ca (mg) 25 - 2 - 23

Iron, Fe (mg) 0.72 - 0.01 - 0.59

Magnesium, Mg (mg) 5 - 4 - 1

Copper, Cu (mg) 0.007 - 0.002 - 0.004

Iodine, I (mg) 0.024 - 0.001 - 0.022

Zinc, Zn (mg) 0.55 - 0 - 0.52

Sodium, Na (mg) 63 - 55 - 7

Manganese, Mn (mg) 0.012 - 0.001 - 0.012

So you see... Its almost perfect.

Learn more by Visiting

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Red Wine May Ward Off Gum Disease

Veriuni Antioxidant Plus with Grape Seed Extract
Veriuni Antioxidant Plus is a special blend of high quality natural ingredients rich in antioxidant properties, including cocoa, ellagic acid, ascorbic acid, selenium, grape seed extract and Vitamin E. This powerful combination helps to "clean up" free radicals in a safe manner.

* Powerful Antioxidant Formulation.
* Easy to Swallow Capsules.
* Helps Control "Free Radicals" in a safe manner.
* High Quality Natural Ingredients.
* Cocoa, Ellagic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Selenium, Grape Seed Extract, and Vitamin E.


Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 60

..............Amount per Serving...........%Daily Value

Vitamin A........5000 IU......................500%
Vitamin C........200 mg.......................333%
(Acerola Cherries, Rose hips extract, Ascorbic Acid)
Cocoa............100 mg.........................*
Selenium........100 mcg......................143%
Ellagic Acid......40 mg.........................*
Bioflavanoids.....25 mg.........................*
Vitamin E........100 IU.......................500%
Zinc................20 mg.......................133%
Grape Seed
Extract............20 mg.........................*

* Daily Value Not Established

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Water, Magnesium Stearate

Suggested Use: For Adult Use Only. As a dietary supplement, take one capsule twice a day, preferably with a meal.

  • Antioxidant Plus with Grape Seed Extract

  • From Forbes

    Raising a glass to a new weapon against periodontal disease, researchers say red wine may help keep gums healthy and strong.

    Though the results have so far only been borne out in the test tube, a team of Canadian scientists believe antioxidant components in red wine and grape seeds have anti-inflammatory effects that may ward off periodontal troubles.

    "Our findings demonstrate that red wine polyphenols have potent antioxidant properties," conclude researchers led by Dr. Fatiah Chandad from the Universite Laval in Quebec City. Her team presented its findings Friday at the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) annual meeting, in Orlando.

    Experts believe that upwards of 80 percent of Americans are estimated to have some form of gum disease, either in the relatively mild form known as gingivitis or in a more serious form, known as periodontitis. Periodontitis (meaning "around the tooth") is linked to poor oral hygiene. It is a chronic infection involving bacteria present in plaque that persistently coats teeth.

    "I am optimistic that components in red wine can limit the effect of this oral bacteria," Chandad said.

    According to the AADR, approximately 15 percent of Americans between the ages of 21 and 50 suffer from this harshest form of gum disease. Among adults over the age of 50, 65 percent are affected.

    Smokers, diabetics and those taking steroids, oral contraceptives and certain cancer drugs are a higher risk for developing periodontitis, often in the absence of any obvious warning signs.

    And gum disease's effect may extend beyond the mouth: Recent research has indicated that the inflammation and immune responses which accompany serious gum infection may also provoke an increased risk for diabetes, heart disease and birthing abnormalities among periodontal patients.

    However, the Quebec researchers say laboratory tests conducted on mouse cell samples revealed that antioxidants found in red wine known as polyphenols may help limit the severity of bacteria-linked gum inflammation.

    They note that inflammation is the immune system's natural response to the presence of such bacteria, Unfortunately, that response also involves the accelerated production of unhealthy molecules called "free radicals."

    The production of too many free radicals can lead to a further weakening of gums. The result is inflammation, bleeding, and a gradual tissue and bone decay that can ultimately result in the loss of one or more affected teeth.

    But Houde and her colleagues found that -- in the test tube, at least -- red wine polyphenols inhibit key proteins at the cellular level to slow free radical production. They speculate that red wine's antioxidant punch could be a useful weapon in the fight against gum disease.

    Not everyone is ready to gulp down a glass of Cabernet to fight gum disease, however. Robert Genco, a distinguished professor of oral biology with the School of Dental Medicine at the State University of New York at Buffalo, stressed the findings are very preliminary.

    "I would say that in general these experiments with antioxidants in test tubes give variable results when they are later tested in animals or humans," Genco noted.

    He pointed to recent studies that found that the consumption of popular antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C and beta carotene does not appear to provide the health benefits that had been anticipated by the medical community.

    "Many antioxidants have been tested in humans, and they have not been too effective," Genco stressed. "We've been very disappointed, so we have to be very careful. So, while this study is an interesting first start, the key now is clinical trials in humans."

    Chandad agreed that further studies are needed, but said she's optimistic that these early results will be replicated in animals and humans. Her team has already begun such work, she said -- first with animals, then soon after with human trials.

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  • Wednesday, March 08, 2006

    Nutrition: Study Links Sugary Drinks to Teenagers' Weight

    Okay, so here I go again. I ran across this article on google this morning and I really tired to avoid reading it, but how could I resist.

    Here is the link to the whole article.

    Do we (any of us) really need some sort of study to tell us that drinking lots of sugar filled drinks will make us fat....


    I'm thinkin maybe a slow news day. Whats that all about? They actually did a study...

    "The researchers, led by Cara B. Ebbeling of Children's Hospital Boston, found that the teenagers' consumption of the high-calorie drinks went down by about 80 percent during the study and that the teenagers who had been the most overweight had significant reductions in their body mass indexes at the end of the 25 weeks."

    No really... Go figure no more sugary drinks and people lose weight... I'm suprised

    C'mon folks this isn't news, we've always known this.

    Tuesday, February 28, 2006

    The Evils of Sugar.

    I know I'm on a rant here about sugar and the whole G.I. thing....

    I think its my mission to get more people to look at sugar as it truly is... A Drug.

    Yes..... I said it... it is a drug.

    Sugar does more then just sweeten our foods, its used as a pick me up to make us feel better and when we burn it all up... we head right back to the kitchen or the corner convenience store to get another fix.

    Feeling depressed eat some chocolate, a candy bar, some hard candy any sugary food will work.

    It actually works for most things..... hunger, feeling sleepy, feeling drained etc.

    Sugar is not about nutrition its about getting a fix. Think about it...........

    So whats up with corn syrup..... Let me rephrase that... High Fructose Corn Syrup....

    That stuff is like high octane sugar. Now go to your pantry or your cupboard and read the labels on some of you favorite soups, canned goods or drinks.

    You bet....

    Corn syrup.

    The thing that really gets me is how hard it is to find canned corn that doesn't have corn syrup added to it. Whats up with that????????????

    High Fructose corn syrup is made through a complicated process of breaking down corn starch into glucose and then the glucose is broken down into fructose using a system primarily composed of three different genetically altered enzymes. The process involved in refining and distributing corn syrup is cheaper and more efficient then sugars refined from cane or beets. High fructose corn syrup is extremely soluble and mixes well in many foods. It is cheap to produce, sweet and easy to store. It’s used in everything from bread to pasta sauces to bacon to beer as well as in health products like protein bars and natural sodas. This brings to point my issue with corn syrup in all the foods we eat, in every can around every corner.

    Every cell in our bodies has the ability to break down glucose but fructose is handled solely by the liver. In research involving rats as the primary subjects... the rats were feed diets high in corn syrup.

    "The researchers wanted to know whether it was the fructose or the glucose moiety that was causing the problems. So they repeated their studies with two groups of rats, one given high amounts of glucose and one given high amounts of fructose. The glucose group was unaffected but the fructose group had disastrous results. The male rats did not reach adulthood. They had anemia, high cholesterol and heart hypertrophy—that means that their hearts enlarged until they exploded. They also had delayed testicular development. Dr. Field explains that fructose in combination with copper deficiency in the growing animal interferes with collagen production." (1)

    Other research on sugars indicates that excess sugar depresses immunity, sours behavior, attention and learning.

    Any sugars (glucose, fructose or sucrose) should be taken in moderation and anyone living a healthy life style should consider every morsel they put in their mouths.

    Okay.....I'm done ranting now.

    (1)Weston A. Price Foundation Board Member Linda Forristal is the author of Ode to Sucanat (1993) and Bulgarian Rhapsody (1998). Visit her website at

    Friday, February 24, 2006

    The Glycemic Index.

    The Glycemic Index the latest and greatest dieting secret.

    Ohhhhhhh my. I remember reading about the G.I. when I was in grade school. Now all of a sudden its like... Poof out of no where we have something new to consider.

    I remember being in an antique shop several months ago... On one of the tables was a book printed around the 1940 outlining the evils of sugar. Hmm what's that all about?

    Did I mention that roman athletes often ate diets high in protein and low in sugars and carbs?

    Just one piece of advice. Read the labels on everything you eat. Even if the label contains the words healthy or low fat.

    From Wikipedia

    Glycemic Index

    The Glycemic Index (also glycemic index, GI) is a ranking system for carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood glucose levels. It compares carbohydrates gram for gram in individual foods, providing a numerical, evidence-based index of postprandial (post-meal) glycemia. The concept was invented by Dr. David J. Jenkins and colleagues in 1981 at the University of Toronto.

    The glycemic index of a food is defined by the area under the 2 hour blood glucose response curve (AUC) following the ingestion of a fixed portion of carbohydrate (usually 50 g). The AUC of the test food is divided by the AUC of the standard (either glucose or white bread) and multiplied by 100. The average GI value is calculated from data collected in 10 human subjects. Both the standard and test food must contain an equal amount of available carbohydrate. The result gives a relative ranking for each tested food (Brouns et al, 2005).

    Carbohydrates that break down rapidly during digestion have the highest glycemic indices. An increased blood glucose response occurs very quickly. Carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have a low glycemic index. A lower glycemic index suggests slower rates of digestion and absorption of the sugars and starches in the foods and may also indicate greater extraction from the liver and periphery of the products of carbohydrate digestion. Additionally, a lower glycemic response equates to a lower insulin demand, better long-term blood glucose control and a reduction in blood lipids.

    Glycemic index values for different foods are calculated by comparing measurements of their effect on blood glucose with an equal carbohydrate portion of a reference food. The current scientific validated methods use glucose as the reference food. Glucose has a glycemic index value of 100. This has the advantages in that it is universal and it results in maximum GI values of approximately 100.

    Glycemic Index of Foods

    GI values can be interpreted intuitively as percentages on an absolute scale and are commonly interpreted as follows:

    * Low GI - less than 55
    * Intermediate GI - between 56 and 69
    * High GI - higher than 70

    A low GI food will release energy slowly and steadily and is appropriate for diabetics, dieters and endurance athletes. A high GI food will provide a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and is suitable for post-endurance exercise energy recovery. Previously, white bread was sometimes used as a reference food (if white bread = 100, then glucose = 140). For people whose staple carbohydrate source is white bread, this had the advantage of conveying directly whether replacement of the dietary staple with a different food would result in faster or slower blood glucose response. The disadvantages with this system were that the reference food was not well-defined, and the GI scale was culture dependent.

    The glycemic effect of foods depends on a number of factors such as the type of starch (amylose vs amylopectin), physical entrapment of the starch molecules within the food, fat content of the food and increased acidity of the meal - adding vinegar for example, will lower the GI. The presence of fat or dietary fibre can inhibit carbohydrate absorption, thus lowering the GI. Unrefined breads with higher amounts of fibre generally have a lower GI value than white breads but, while adding butter or oil will lower the GI of bread, the GI ranking does not change. That is, with or without additions, there is still a higher blood glucose curve after white bread than after a low GI bread such as pumpernickel.

    The glycemic index can only be applied to foods with a reasonable carbohydrate content, as the test relies on subjects consuming enough of the test food to yield about 50 g of available carbohydrate. High fat or high protein foods such as meat, eggs, nuts and cheese have a negligible GI. Furthermore, because many fruits and vegetables (but not potatoes) contain very little carbohydrate per serving, they have very low GI values and are regarded as "free" foods. This also applies to carrots, which were originally and incorrectly reported as having a high GI (Brand-Miller et al, 2005). Alcoholic beverages have been reported to have low GI values, however it should be noted that beer has a moderate GI. Recent studies have shown that the consumption of an alcoholic drink prior to a meal reduces the GI of the meal by approximately 15% (Brand-Miller, in press).

    Disease Prevention

    Several lines of recent scientific evidence have shown that individuals who followed a low GI diet over many years were at a significantly lower risk for developing both type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. High blood glucose levels or repeated glycemic "spikes" following a meal may promote these diseases by increasing oxidative damage to the vasculature and also by the direct increase in insulin levels (Temelkova-Kurktschiev et al, 2000). In the past, postmeal hyperglycemia has been a risk factor mainly associated with diabetes, however more recent evidence shows that postprandial hyperglycemia presents an increased risk for atherosclerosis in the non-diabetic population (Balkau et al, 1998).

    Weight Control

    Recent animal research provides compelling evidence that high GI carbohydrate is associated with increased risk of obesity. In human trials, it is typically difficult to separate the effects from GI and from other potentially confounding factors such as fibre content, palatability, and compliance. In the study (Pawlak et al, 2004), male rats were split into a high and low GI group over 18 weeks while mean bodyweight was maintained. Rats fed the high GI diet were 71% fatter and 8% less lean than the low GI group. Postmeal glycemia and insulin levels were significantly higher and plasma triglycerides were three-fold greater in the high GI fed rats. Furthermore, pancreatic islet cells suffered “severely disorganised architecture and extensive fibrosis”. The evidence in this study showed that continued consumption of high glycemic index carbohydrates would likely have led to the development of severe metabolic abnormalities.


    The glycemic index has been criticised for the following reasons:

    * the GI of a food varies depending on the kind of food, its ripeness, the length of time it was stored, how it was cooked, its variety (potatoes from Australia, for example, have a much higher GI than potatoes from the United States), and how it was processed or manufactured.

    * the GI of a food varies from person to person and even in a single individual from day to day, depending on blood glucose levels, insulin resistance, and other factors.

    * the GI of a mixed meal is difficult to predict.

    * the GI value is based on a portion that contains 50 grams of carbohydrate only.

    * a limited range of data and daily fluctuations in an individualÂ’s glycemic response.

    Some of these criticisms can be addressed by taking the Glycemic load into account. This combined approach is, however, somewhat more complicated, and therefore harder to use in giving dietary advice.

    Wikipedia information about glycemic index on Wikipedia Copyright © 2005 by Wikipedia. Published by Wikipedia.

    Dictionary definition of glycemic index on The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

    Wednesday, February 22, 2006

    Drug Risks the FDA’s System Missed

  • Health Matters Minutes E-Zine

  • Article by Ira Marxe

    Beware of FDA Approved Prescription Drugs

    Recently, a close acquaintance of ours had kidney failure and had to be rushed to the hospital.

    Three years ago I tried to introduce him to our all natural vitamin/mineral based arterial plaque cleansing formula, a proven way of cleansing the plaque out of your arteries with no side effects, but with no success.

    This was after he had bi-pass surgery for clogged arteries.

    He did, however, take our information with the list of ingredients to his cardiologist. His cardiologist said our product wouldn’t work, (typical), and that he was better off taking a statin drug.

    Statins, his cardiologist said, would be more effective and our acquaintance, being a good patient, listened. His belief was, who would know better then an M.D. Cardiologist?

    A side note: Did you know that the leading cause of death among cardiologists is heart disease? (Courtesy of the American Heart Association).

    Anyway...Three years later the statin drugs did prove to be more effective.

    They effectively shut down his kidneys. Kidney failure is one of the side effects of statins.

    Hopefully, this story will have a happy ending, as he seems to be recovering although my sense is that he will never be the same.

    I tell you this story as an introduction to a recent Consumer Report’s investigation of prescription drugs and their findings. I quote, “Common drugs, hidden dangers. Tens of millions of people at risk”.

    They have discovered 12 relatively common prescription drugs with risks they site that include increased likelihood of heart disease, stroke, cancer or suicide. These risks were either undetected or underestimated when the FDA approved these drugs for use.

    Some of these drugs should have black box warning labels. They do not. Some are advertised making false claims leaving out potential risks. With its present day power, there is little the FDA can do about it.

    You know we have always advised that you seek a nutritional solution to your problems before resorting to traditional drugs. There are many nutritional solutions out there if only people will look for alternatives instead of blindly accepting their doctor’s drugs as the only solution.

    You need to seriously question the advisability of a drug solution and consider all of the side affects of the drug being prescribed. Don’t only rely solely on your M.D. who may be drug-biased, or really doesn’t know.

    Ask your pharmacist. Research the Internet. Be thorough so that you can make an educated decision.

    Let me remind you of what we have been saying for a long time, your body is the great healer….if given the right nutrients.

    Drugs should be used only as a last resort, and some should never be used. Don’t let drug company ads push you into becoming a prescription drug addict. Drug companies are only interested in the profits they can make by keeping you on their drugs for as long as possible. It is not in their best interest to cure you.

    Here are the 12 prescription drugs that Consumer’s Reports found will put you at great risk if you take them. If you are taking any of these drugs, talk to your doctor about an alternative or go find another doctor.

    Drug Risks the FDA’s System Missed:


    Celecoxib (Celebrex) – Pain and Inflammation: Increased risk of heart attack and stroke.


    Rosuvastatin (Crestor, strongest of the statin drug group such as Lipitor, Zocor, etc.) – Elevated cholesterol levels: Muscle breakdown and kidney failure, especially in Asian Americans.


    Estrogen (Premarin, Prempro, and others) – Menopausal symptoms and post menopausal osteoporosis: Increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, and blood clots.


    Isotretinoin (Accutane) – Severe nodular acne: Birth defects, depression, psychosis, and suicidal tendencies.


    Malathion (Ovide) – Head lice: Flammability of hair and neurotoxicity.


    Medroxyprogesterone injections (Depo-Proveeral) – Contraception: Irreversible bone loss.


    Mefloquine (Lariam) – Malaria prevention for travelers: Disorientation, severe anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, and depression.


    Salmeterol (Serevent) – Asthma: Increased asthma-related deaths; risk may be higher in African-Americans.


    Sibutramine (Meridia) – Weight loss: Increased blood pressure and heart rate; heart-rhythm abnormalities, heart attack, cardiac arrest, memory problems.


    SSRIs such as sertraline (Zoloft) venlafaxine (Effixor) – Anxiety and depression: Increased suicidal tendencies initially or after dosage changes, particularly in children and teens but possibly in adults as well. All antidepressants may have similar risks, but current evidence appears stronger for SSRIs.


    Tegaserod (Zelnorm) – Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation: Potentially dangerous diarrhea and other intestinal problems.


    Topical immunosupprressants primecrolimus (Elidel), tacrolimus (Protopic) – Eczma: Increased cancer risk.

    Last week I asked you to support the Organic Consumer’s Association who is fighting to bring us healthy food and alternative answers to drugs. This week I have given you more solid reasons for you to do that.

    We cannot stand by and simply let things happen. It is up to us to help the OCA make things happen. Give a little or give a lot, but give something.

    To your good health and longevity,

    Ira Marxe
    CEO, Good Health Supplement

    Copyrighted © 2006 - All Rights Reserved

    Health Disclaimer: The information contained in this or any GHS related articles or materials are not intended to take the place of personal medical advice from your health care professional. Any action taken based on the contents found in this or any GHS related articles, materials or information is at the sole discretion of the reader. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals as necessary on any matter relating to their health and well-being. Any information or opinions provided here or in any GHS related articles, materials or information are believed to be accurate and sound, however no GHS personal or associates will be held responsible on behalf of any reader who fails to consult appropriate health authorities with respect to their individual health care, and the author or publisher of any information is not responsible for errors or omissions.

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