Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Life as it Was, Is, and Will Be: Don't Mess with Celina

My Life as it Was, Is, and Will Be: Don't Mess with Celina

If you like dogs this is a must see and read.

I like dogs and I dont know why anyone wouldn't.
Check it out.

Friday, May 09, 2008

HEALTH NUT WANNABEE MOM: Weight Loss And Diet Myths Revealed

HEALTH NUT WANNABEE MOM: Weight Loss And Diet Myths Revealed

People have always asked me why I'm always on a diet, besides the fact that I'm celiac and just feel better on gluten free, low carb diets, I've told them that I've tried so many diets that I know what works and what doesn't. Not all diets apply to everyone, what works for someone else may not work for you. So do your homework. The above link demonstrates some myths and facts about diets and how easy it is to get mislead into fads and/or just bad advice. The author has some very valuable info on dieting. Knowledge is power. So power up.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Lighter Side of Low-Carb: No More Aspartame for me!

The Lighter Side of Low-Carb: No More Aspartame for me!

Okay everybody's got to read this post by one of my favorite low carbers. Good stuff on that site stop and read awhile.

click on the link above and be enlightened.

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