Sunday, March 03, 2013

Chicken Medallions

1 boneless skinless chicken breast
1 stalk rosemary -- strip leaves off, discard stick (1 to 2)
8 fresh or dried basil leaves -- (8 to 10)
butter or olive oil for frying
garlic and/or onion powder

How to Prepare:
1. Chop rosemary and basil together very fine. Push to one side of cutting board.
2. Place chicken breast on cutting board. Hold down with palm of hand and slice into medallions carefully w/sharp knife (knife should be held horizontally and pass under the hand holding it down).
3. Salt and pepper medallions (also garlic/onion powder if desired).
4. Dredge medallions in chopped herbs. Shake off excess, but be sure some sticks.
5. Fry in butter or olive oil over medium heat, 3-4 minutes per side (don't overcook, but be sure it is cooked through).
6. Serve w/side vegetable and salad.

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